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Customer Feedback Results – Q1-Q3 2024

At PGL, we believe in being open and transparent about our business. We adhere to a strict Ethical Marketing Policy and we don’t shy away from areas where we need to improve.  We’re committed to sharing our customer feedback results regularly, so that you can make informed decisions about the type of business that you want to interact with.


A group of people outdoors raises their hands in excitement, standing on a paved area with trees and hills in the background. Safety harnesses and helmets are on the ground in front of them.

What is our process?

Customer feedback is incredibly important to us, and we take it very seriously. We request feedback from each and every school group who stays with us, and for all other groups who stay with us, where practicable.  We boast a 99% response rate from our schools who visit us, and 38% response rate from our groups business (the reason for the difference in response rate here is that often groups stay with us on weekends or holidays, so surveys are sent to them via email after their trip).

We ask each Group Leader to fill out a comprehensive online survey, which covers all aspects of the camp – from our pre-trip organization to catering, accommodation, activities, support and more.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

At PGL we utilize the common and globally recognised metric NPS or Net Promoter Score. This is a score to measure customer loyalty, by looking at their likelihood of recommending a business in the future.  If  a customer is likely to recommend your business, it indicates a high level of satisfaction and a positive customer journey.

Respondents are asked to rate on a scale of 0 – 10, how likely is it that they would recommend an organization to a friend or colleague.

Promoters respond with a score of 9 or 10, and are typically loyal and very satisfied customers.

Passives respond with a score of 7 or 8. They are satisfied enough with the service, but are not as satisfied as promoters.

Detractors respond with a score of 0 – 6. They were unhappy with the service received and would be unlikely to consider buying again. They may also discourage others from buying from you in the future.


What is considered a good NPS?

Generally, it is considered that:

  • Above 0 is good
  • Above 20 is favourable
  • Above 50 is excellent
  • Above 80 is world-class

However, a lot of factors come into play, including gender, age, country and other factors. In Australia, the average NPS is 26.

Three boys stand outdoors, smiling and holding a rope, with a large tree trunk and greenery in the background. One boy wears a cap and glasses. Their joyful expressions capture the spirit of group camps perfectly.

So how satisfied are PGL customers?

For Q1 – Q3 of 2024 (January – August), here are the NPS results by camp and overall:

PGL Campaspe Downs                                             79.26

PGL Camp Rumbug                                                   73.85

PGL Kindilan                                                                64.15

All Centre Combined                                                 74.7


We’re thrilled with an NPS which is considered well above excellent, but while we celebrate our successes, we know that there are always areas in which we can improve.  We read each survey, take feedback on board, and plan and implement ways to constantly improve our service.


Would they rebook?

In addition to the NPS question, we also ask participants if they would rebook a camp with us. They are given 3 options – Yes, No or Maybe.

During Q1-Q3 of 2024,  with 14%of respondents replied that they would ‘maybe’ rebook with us (key reasons being a change of camp program at school, or needing to check with management), while 86% of respondents replied that they would rebook with us.


If you’re interested in trying out the PGL service for your next school camp, group getaway or Holiday camp, please contact us today!